Today I seek the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know that one is me.
Adult Children of Alcoholics Alternate Serenity Prayer
HEALING IS A JOURNEY, not a destination
It's our turn, our time to take care of us,
to make new memories and
to live a life that is drama free.
Seek professional help. Many of us need Trauma counselling. Be choosy. Find a counsellor that you feel comfortable with. Take as long as you need to heal.Start working on boundaries and stick to them. It's difficult at first, but I promise it gets easier.Do at least one nice thing for you each day. Do one nice thing for someone else, including your animal babies.Get outside in the fresh air, walk, sing, dance, laugh.Journal, travel.Do things that make you look forward to every new day. Live!Try to do something artistic everyday. Take up a new hobby or take a class.
You gotta resurrect the deep pain within you and
give it a place to live that’s not within your body.
Let it live in art. Let it live in writing. Let it live in music.
Let it be devoured by building brighter connections.
our body is not a coffin for pain to be buried in. Put it somewhere else.~ Ehime Ora
You matter! You always have!What happened to you was not your fault.Be You. Remember, you are enough!Don't let anyone disrespect you, EVER!Learn to walk away and not look back.
(This will get easier, especially when it's a family member, or someone you thought was a friend that you are leaving.) Take care of yourself.You are not alone. There are many ACoA's and adult survivors in the world. We've kept our secrets long enough. It's time for us to heal.Share your story.Find things that make you happy. Stay Happy!